Saturday, December 20, 2014

Twelve Days Of Gymnastics

Dynamic Warm up- gymnastics style
Skills set warm up:
2 rounds:

  • 5 Hollow Body rocks
  • 3 Candle Stick Stand ups
  • 3 PVC Pipe Dislocates

Quick wrist and shoulder stretch


  • Stacking the body
  • Frog stand working the press
  • picking a level
    • pike on floor
    • box
    • abmat/s
    • full depth

Today we will be getting a chance to try out all of the skills have worked all year in one nifty workout!

 Twelve Days Of gymnastics skills

1.Wall Climb
3.Pull ups
6.Wall Balls
7.Dbl Unders
9.Toes 2 Bar
10.Push Ups
12.High BoxJumps

It'll  go a little like this....
 1 wall Climb.... 1 Wall Climb 2 dips...... 1 Wall Climb 2 dips 3 Pull Ups......

See you tomorrow at 9 sharp!

Saturday, December 6, 2014

Muscle Up Skill work

Warming up 3 rounds:

3 Pull Ups- strict
3 Push Ups- elbows IN
3 Dislocates

Can you dip on rings?
  • Holds on rings 20 sec rest 1 min x 3 sets 
  • 3 sets of 2 low dips on rings/ or bar

False grip and the pull to ribs:
  • False grip review and taping 
  • Low rings seated on floor, ring pulls with false grip
  • 3 reps x 3 sets pull ups on rings

  • Banded transitions- getting used to the pull 
  • 3 reps 3 sets of Pike turn over on the floor
  • Low Rings- 3 reps 3-4 sets( or more) of the turn over with press out- sitting ON THE FLOOR
  •  3 reps 3-4 sets turn over with legs raised at end- Can you wiggle your fingers- NO DEATH GRIP
  • Muscle up rigging strict (weighted- adv)
  • Establish false grip wiggle fingers
  • Establish grip and hanging hold 5 seconds
  • Swings 5 swings  x 3 sets
Muscle up:

Spotted slow and steady on regular sets for those who are ready

Saturday, November 29, 2014

Playing with the handstand!

Hello My Gymnastics Vagabonders!!

I would like to play a little tomorrow in class. I fell like as adult we tend to not let loose and try new things. SO I am taking the handstand as a Platform and we are going to run with it. (NOT literally)

Warm Up:
Ring swings
Crab Walk
Single leg hops
5 Shoulder dislocates

Flexibility:Shoulders and wrists mainly- Attempt a few Hollow holds to fish rock log rolls


Inverted on the rings;

  • The kick over
  • Touch and go
  • Inversion and hold
Wall Climbs
  • Climb and hold
  • Work the pull away and balance
The free Handstand
  • Wheelbarrow Walk
  • Partner Holds
  • Handstand Walking
Handstand Pressing if there is interest.

3 rounds
15 FT Handstand Walk or 2 wall climbs
10 Toes to Bar or "V" snaps
10 HIGH box jumps ( scaled to wtd squat jumps)

*****Extra Work for now or later 

Take a little time to work on your flexibility and mobility. These two things when worked on a regular basis will greatly improve your range of motion and ability to keep in good alignment when lifting and doing other activities.  Try holding a straddle stretch for 3 minutes cumulative and then a right and left leg forward in a Split/or scaled variation, one leg on a box, couch or other item about 20-30" off the ground lean forward towards the extended leg and hold.

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Rope climbs and Pistol fun for Sunday!

Warm Up: Obstacle ;0)

Stretch and Flexibility- Partner work

3 Rounds;
15 second bar hang
3 lower to candle stick- stand up attempt
5 Indian push ups

Pistol progressions:

  • Shin alignment
  • Counter balance
  • to a box
  • with a band
  • ON a box

Rope Climbs!!
  • Hang test- how did you do in warm ups?
  • Locking your feet
  • "J' hold vs. 'S' hold
 WOD: this is for form not time

3 rounds:
5 pistols each leg
5-10 toes to bar- kness to elbows
1 rope climb/ if doing modified 3 attemps

Cash Out;
1 minute accumulated Wall Handstand hold/modified plank or feet on a box plank.

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Learning To Kip: both Pull ups and Toes 2 Bar

I. Warm up 3 rounds:
  • 100 M run
  • 10 OHS with PVC
  • 10 Dislocates
  • 3 Bridge ups
II. Kipping Positioning
  • 20 Sec Hold x 3 sets
  • Superman Holds with PVC
  • 5 Hollow rocks x 3 sets 
  • 5 Superman Rocks x 3 sets

III. Partner Work
  • 10 sec shoulder retractions x3
  • Dead Hang pull up - or attempts
  • 3 of 5 sets of swing stops
  • 3 hand releases
  • Partner spotted kips.
  • For those who are trying to connect I will cover the transition.

***I plan to quickly cover the kipping Toes 2 Bar  if there is interest in this as well.


Fast Cindy: 10 minutes of:
5 Kipping pull ups
10 push ups
15 Air squats

Modified will be:
 2.2.1 strict or kipping pull ups/5 Ring Rows
10 Banded Push ups
15 Air Squats

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Handstand Push up focus

Zone 1 Warm up: Obstacle

Stretching and mobility of shoulders and wrists

Gymnastics Strength:

  • 3 rounds of:
    • 20 sec wall Handstand holds
    • 10 shoulder taps 5 each side
    • 10-15 sec "L" holds rings or bars
The Handstand:

  • Lunge and the kick
  • Lunge kick to roll
  • Partner Free Handstands
Handstand Push UPs
  • Tri Pod stand
  • Tri Pod stand to a push up
  • HSPU on the floor and a box
  • HSPU to an AB Mat or full depth
  • 4 Rounds for QUALITY of:
    • 20 Double unders or 40 singles
    • 6 HSPU can cluster to 2.2.2 (NO KIPPING) can use mat or box
    • 7 OHS 95/65,85/55, 75/45

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Muscle Up Skill Work Sunday Sept 14

Warm Up: Dynamic gymnastics style

  • Hollow hold
  • Arch Hold
  • Grip
Warming up 3 rounds:
3 Pull Ups- strict
3 Push Ups- elbows IN

Can you dip on rings?
  • Holds on rings
  • 3 sets of 2 low dips on rings/ or bar

False grip and the pull to ribs:
  • False grip review and taping 
  • Low rings seated on floor, ring pulls with false grip

  • 3 reps 3 sets of Pike turn over on the floor
  • Low Rings- 3 reps 3-4 sets( or more) of the turn over with press out- sitting ON THE FLOOR
  •  3 reps 3-4 sets turn over with legs raised at end- Can you wiggle your fingers- NO DEATH GRIP
  • Muscle up rigging strict (weighted- adv)
  • Establish false grip wiggle fingers
  • Establish grip and hanging hold 5 seconds
  • Higher rings- 4 sets Jumping Muscle ups work getting the head through quickly with elbows in

Full Strict  partner spotted Muscle Up attempts/successes 3 sets of 2 resting as needed.

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Pull ups and rope climbs

I. Warm up 3 rounds:
  • 100 M run
  • 10 OHS with PVC
  • 10 Dislocates
  • 3 Bridge ups
II. Kipping Positioning
  • 20 Sec Hold x 3 sets
  • Superman Holds with PVC
  • 5 Hollow rocks x 3 sets 
  • 5 Superman Rocks x 3 sets

III. Partner Work
  • 10 sec shoulder retractions x3
  • Dead Hang pull up - or attempts
  • 3 of 5 sets of swing stops
  • 3 hand releases
  • Partner spotted kips.
  • For those who are trying to connect I will cover the transition.
IV: Rope Climbs:
  • Hang test
  • Locking your feet
  • Learning the "j" hold
  • Modifications to hollow pulls
WOD: AMRAP in 12 of:
1 rope climb- 15 ft
run 200 Meters

5 Kipping pullups/ strict
10 Push ups or banded push ups
run 200M 

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Handstand Push ups with a side of pistols

Obstacle warm up:

  • Hurdles
  • Crab Walk
  • Soldier walk
  • Inch worm
Skill set Warm Up: 2 Rounds
  • 5 hollow rocks
  • 3 Candlestick stand ups-two or 1 leg
  • 3 PVC pipe dislocates
  • 3 PVC pipe presses
Focus Work: Handstand Push Ups
  • Shoulder taps
  • Side shuffle
  • Frog stands for Hand and head placement
  • Picking a level to do your HSPU
  1. Pike
  2. Box
  3. Ab-Mat/s
  4. Floor
Review Pistols: Shin angle and quad tension
  • To a Box
  • On a box
  • Rx'd
WOD: 10 minutes of
  • 2 HSPU (scaled as needed)
  • 4 pistols each leg
  • 6 Box jumps ( step up L1)
Cash Out: 3 Minutes Max double unders

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Sunday July 13th- Ring and Paralette Work

Dips!! Sunday July 13th 

Obstacle Warm up!!

Shoulder Stability and Core Strength development:
  • Front Lean rest 3 sets of 10 reps Scap retractions
  • Establishing the hollow body 3 sets 10 sec holds
  • Plank hold with single leg raises 3 sets of 5 each leg
  • ·         Shoulders (with pvc), wrists and triceps

  •  L-Holds tight core engagement
  • Plank Position holds- push ups and pass throughs- together at my count-( Can be Modified)  
  • Dips with shoulders back and retracted elbows tracking back and close to the body
    • 3 sets of 7-10 reps with 60 sec rest between sets

·         ***Goal Keep rings still and eyes looking at the horizon
·                       Dipping with correct shoulder placement

  •          2 -15 second ring holds hands at 11 and 1

·         Can you increase the load while holding? 
  •         3 -10 second holds with tucked or piked legs

·         Ring dips- Hands turned OUT to 11 and 1 for entire range of motion
  •         3 sets of 5 with tempo 2 down, HOLD AT BOTTOM for 2, then straight up, hold at top for 1, rest one min between sets.

·         Scaled is done banded. Or on bars banded or not banded

WOD: AMRAP in 10 minutes

  • 5 Dips rings/scaled is banded on rings or on Paralettes 
  • 5 Push up Pass through on Paralettes  (Beg.can work just the pass through)
  • 25 Dbl unders or 50 single under work(beginners)

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Muscle up strict progressions 6-22-14

We did this in November and several people were very close, gymnastics is a numbers game you need to put in a LOT of reps to get your body to create muscle memories and good movement patterns. Lets do this!

I will be giving a clinic style class on Muscle ups. We will be going over lots and lots of ways to do transitions for the muscle ups and will hopefully have a few success stories by the end of the day.

Warm Up: Dynamic gymnastics style

  • Hollow hold
  • Arch Hold
  • Grip
Warming up 3 rounds:
3 Pull Ups- strict
3 Push Ups- elbows IN

Can you dip on rings?
  • Holds on rings
  • 3 sets of 2 low dips on rings/ paralettes or bar

False grip and the pull to ribs:
  • False grip review and taping ;0)
  • Low rings seated on floor, ring pulls with false grip

  • 3 reps 3 sets of Pike turn over on the floor
  • Low Rings- 3 reps 3-4 sets( or more) of the turn over with press out- sitting ON THE FLOOR
  •  3 reps 3-4 sets turn over with legs raised at end- Can you wiggle your fingers- NO DEATH GRIP
  • Muscle up rigging strict (weighted- adv)
  • Establish false grip wiggle fingers
  • Establish grip and hanging hold 5 seconds
  • Higher rings- 4 sets Jumping Muscle ups work getting the head through quickly with elbows in

Full Strict  partner spotted Muscle Up attempts/successes 3 sets of 2 resting as needed

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Fathers Day 6-15-14 Gymnastics!

Warm up 3 rounds:

  • Roll
  • box up downs
  • crab walk
  • lunge stretch
  • ring swing
Circle stretch- 3-5 min

Skill Work:
The Handstand:

  • Lunge kicks
  • Lunge kick to rolls
  • Partner Free handstand holds
  • Wall Leans with Foot lift 3 sets of 2 attempts
  • Kick to HS then lower count of 3
Handstand Push Ups:
  • Tri Pod holds( headstands)
  • Tri Pod to Push up or Front lean rest 3 sets of 2 attempts
  • HSPU on Boxes with AbMat
  • Free standing HSPU from Tri Pod with Partner- STRICT
WOD: 3 rounds 45 seconds work 15 seconds rest of:

  • HSPU
  • Air Squats
  • Dble unders/Single(beginner)
  • Sit Ups(L1)/In and Outs(L2)/V snaps (L3)

Saturday, May 17, 2014

The Kipping Pull Up

I. Warm up 3 rounds:
  • 100 M run
  • 10 OHS with PVC
  • 10 Dislocates
  • 3 Bridge ups
II. Kipping Positioning
  • 20 Sec Hold x 3 sets
  • Superman Holds with PVC
  • 5 Hollow rocks x 3 sets 
  • 5 Superman Rocks x 3 sets

III. Partner Work
  • 10 sec shoulder retractions x3
  • Dead Hang pull up - or attempts
  • 3 of 5 sets of swing stops
  • 3 hand releases
  • Partner spotted kips.
  • For those who are trying to connect I will cover the transition.

Double Unders/Singles-40-30-20(scaled)
Kipping pull ups/banded kipping(scaled)
Box Jumps

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Sunday May 4th- Muscle up Progression skills

Muscle Up Progressions

Warm Up:
3 rounds
30 fast feet jump rope
5 shoulder dislocated
3-5 hollow body rocks to sit up- working arm transitions
5 Indian push ups

Two way shoulder stretch on bar
Wrist stretch

Taping wrists ;0)

Skill work:
False grip holds 3 sets of ten seconds each- on bar
  •     The false grip puts your wrist over the rings and therefore on top of the ring at the start so no need to rotate it later. 
  •     The wrist becomes a hinge. 
  •     Thumb on top on fingers

3 sets 5 dips- HOLD AT THE BOTTOM 5 sec- (rx'd/banded) rest 2 minutes between sets)
  •         Get comfortable at the bottom
  •         Shoulder past the rings forearm should be VERTICAL
  •         Can you keep the rings close to the body

3 sets 5 chest to rings  rest 1 minute between sets (rx'd or Banded)
  •         Chin IN!
  •         Lean back and think rib cage to rings
  •         Toes come up and forward

10 minutes working the transition- open body on bands - to deep dip position.
  • Banded from the bottom of low rings
  • Laying on floor with hard hip drive
  • ON the ring muscle up rigging 

·         For those who are consistently successful with the transition the rest of the time can be spent working the muscle up controlled! Full ROM on either the high rings or banded on the low ones.

  • Start in a dead hang hollow body position with shoulders glued to your ears
  • Hands are turned out and in a false grip
  • Initiate movement by pulling your shoulder blades back and down and making your neck long
  • Make sure ribs stay down, abs and butt on
  • Follow through with a pull and allow hands to rotate freely as you direct your hips towards the rings
  • When the pull reaches its peak, transition into a dip by sending the head up and over the rings while raising the toes up
  • If done correctly this should look like a sit up done around the rings
  • Once in the hole of the dip treat the rest of the movement as a regular ring dip
  • Finish with elbows in full lock out and hands with thumbs in the ten & two o'clock position

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Ring Dips and Handstand Push Ups Skill work

Obsacle Warm Up: 3-5 min

Skill Set warm up movement patterns:
  • 5 - one PVC pipe Strict Press and 1 pass thru
  • 5 Candle stick stand up
  • 5 Indian push ups
  • 10 sec HS hold OR taps in plank

Focus Work: Ring Dips and Handstand Push UPs

Ring Dip Work:
  • Ring holds 10-20 sec establish stability
  • Dips on Paralettes
  • Dips on rings- scaled will be banded

Handstand Push Up work:
  • Floor- L1
  • Box- L2
  • Handstand position- RX
  • Plates/paralettes- Adv
5 Rounds for time with STRICT FORM!!
  • Run 200 Meter
  • 5 HSPU scaled as needed
  • 5 Heavy deadlift rx'd 225/155,185/125 scaled
  • 20 Double unders

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Sunday Feb 23

Warm Up
500 Meter Row/ 400 Meter Run/ 25 Cal Airdyne Athletes Choice

  • 3 rounds of:
  • 5 swings on the rings
  • 3 Inch worm 
  • 5 Shoulder dislocates
  • 5 Air Squats

Skill Work:

A: Kipping Pull ups and Toes 2 Bar

  • The shape
  • The swing

B: Pistols and the progression

  • Shin Alignment
  • Counter balance
C; 5 Rounds of:
10 Pistols(5 ea side)
10 T2B/V snaps/ Pull ups- based on skill level
10 Box Jumps
200 M run

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Handstand Push Ups 2-2-2014

Zone 1 work

  • Bear Crawl
  • Lunge walk
  • Hurdles
  • Inch worm
Mobility: Shoulders and hamstring concentration

Skill review:
  • Frog stand
  • tight core 
  • Falling safely
5 minutes of skill set lead into HSPU
  • Handstand holds (newbies)
  • Handstand Walking practice( Int) 

10 minutes HSPU work as a group

WOD: Concentration is on FORM here!

10-8-6-4-2 of:
  • HSPU- modified to Floor/box or handstand position)
  • Deadlift- 185/155
  • 30 Dbl Unders or 50 singles

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Kipping pull-up clinic Sunday 1-12-14

We will be doing a clinic style class tomorrow for the kipping pull-up.

It would be helpful if people who come have at least one strict pull up but not mandatory.
A: Dynamic warmup 3-5 min

  • 20 Sec Hold x 3 sets Hollow Holds on a dynamax Ball
  • 5 Hollow rocks x 3 sets 
  • 5 Superman Rocks x 3 sets

III. Partner Work
  •  :10 sec shoulder retractions x3
  • Dead Hang pull up - or attempts
  • 3 of 5 sets of swing stops
  • 3 hand releases
  • Partner spotted kips.
  • For those who are trying to connect I will cover the transition.
D: Fast Cindy :10 min of
5 pull ups
10 push ups
15 air squats