Sunday, January 15, 2012

Great time had by all

I hope everyone was as happy as I was with the Muscle up class this Saturday. Everyone who came got to perform several complete ROM muscle ups.

Andrew who has been coming regularly to gymnastics was able to get his first muscle up unassisted!

Thanks Nicole for video footage!Check it out on our Facebook page.

Bruce and Matt were working on fine tuning the muscle ups they already have so they can become stronger and more efficient.

All tho others who attended are only a few weeks away from getting theirs too. I am excited to start checking off those gymnastics goals on the board.

Anyone who has questions about gymnastics skills or the class please feel free to email me or catch me at the gym.

The next gymnastics class will be held on Feb 11th, 10:00 am.

Friday, January 13, 2012

GWOD 1/14/12 Muscle ups

We will be working all levels of muscle ups. Please bring tape for your wrists if you have it. This move requires a false grip.

  • Flexability
  • Working the False Grip 
  • The dip and down phase of the muscle up  x 3
  • The Transition and locating the "sweet" spot
  • Getting after the full range of Motion -10 minutes of concentrated work
    • Full foot placement
    • Banded
    • With Velocity- we don't train velocity until a person can do it slowly with strong form

I am excited to get after it! See you in the morning.

Friday, January 6, 2012

GWOD 1/7/12- Dips and Chest to Rings

Looking at the goal board I see a lot of Muscle ups. There are two definite skills that need to be mastered before undertaking the muscle up.

Dips and chest to rings pull ups.

That is our focus this Saturday, scaling will be there for all levels.
Warm up:
3 Rounds
  • 20 second Shoulder openers two directions
  • 15 second hollow holds
  • 5 quad openers each side

Skill Work: Looking for  Form first then strength and mastering perfection
Ring dip instruction
Chest to rings- review false grip.

  • 3- 10 second static holds with turn out
  • 3 sets of 5- full range dips with 5 sec lock out on top
    • Level 1 banded
    • Level 2 Rx'd
    • Advanced- weighted- dumbells or vest
  • 3 sets of 3 dead hang chest to rings
  • 3 sets 3 controlled swinging only
  • 3 sets 1 swing, 2 chest to rings
    • Level 1: on low rings feet planted or banded  working negatives and jumping to chest
    • Level 2: 5-7 minutes controlled swinging with moderate pull up or getting body to horizontal
    • Advanced: as Rx'd