Thursday, December 6, 2018

Skill work and progressions for the Ring Muscle Up

Warm Up:

3 minutes- bike, row or jump rope
3 rounds of:
  • 10 shoulder dislocates 5 each hand grip
  • 20 second hollow hold
  • 10 supermans with PVC hold 10 seconds
  • 5 supinated bar rows- keep hollow
Mobility Work
3 sets of:
  • 20 second Handcuff stretch
  • 30 sec arm arm stretches each side
  • 10 sec bottom of dip holds with toes on the ground elbows up
Technical elements
2 sets of:
  • 15-20 sec ring holds thumbs out
  • 3-5 strict toes to bar can be assisted work the negative (scaled can do 10 'V' snaps)
  • 2-3 strict pull ups (scaled 2-3 negative pull ups)
Low ring work
  • Laying flat
  • pull to press out
  • Rings at armpit height-6 pull through to low dip
Strict Muscle up on Ring Thing

  • 3 sets of 3-5 reps

Saturday, November 3, 2018

Handstands and Strict Handstand Push Ups

Handstand Skill work,Strength and Stability

If you have wrists that get sore feel free to bring wrist wraps of some sort.

Warm up
3 minutes of light cardio- bike -row or Jump Rope

Circle stretch and mobility of wrists and shoulders
  • Shoulder mobility
  • Wrist circles and stretching
Body Positioning:
  • Hollow holds 20 sec x 3 w/pvc
  • Belly on the floor with hands flat on wall  core engaged 20 sec
Balance and strength building
A1:Scapular Shrugs -Elevate- Relax repeats 6-8 reps x 3 sets 
A2: Shoulder taps 4 each side x 3 sets- FLR-Box-Wall
A3: Physio-ball Pike ups 6 reps x 3 sets ( modification- holds 30 sec)

  • T lunges
  • Kick ups NO GOING past vertical we can partner this. LAND SOFTLY
  • Belly facing Handstand the best position for transferring to other exercises! WALL CLIMBS- hold 15-20 sec ( modification feet on a box)
Press to Handstand: IF we want to try a new skill this one is fun!

HSPU- strict
 Two positions
  • Tripod Holds- load head behind hands
  • Handstand against wall- 30 sec no butts touch!
  • On a box 
  • On a ball
  • Free standing
  • Ab mats against the wall or full ROM

Saturday, October 6, 2018

Muscle Up Skill work

Warm Up:
3 rounds of:

  • 10 shoulder dislocates 5 each hand grip
  • 20 second hollow hold
  • 10 supermans with PVC
  • 5 supinated bar rows- keep hollow
Mobility Work
3 sets of:
  • 20 second Handcuff stretch
  • 20 sec Matador stretch
  • 10 sec bottom of dip holds with toes on the ground elbows up
Technical elements
2 sets of:
  • 15-20 sec ring holds thumbs out
  • 3-5 ice cream makers banded or assisted with a spot
  • 5 strict toes to bar can be assisted work the negative scaled can do 10 'V' snaps
Low ring work
  • Laying flat
  • pull to press out
Strict Muscle up on Ring Thing

  • 3 sets of 3-5 reps

Saturday, September 15, 2018

Kipping Pull Ups

Depending on the level of athletes we get I will cover different aspects of the kip. This could include- banded, traditional kipping and butterfly kipping.

Warm up: 3 sets of:
  • 30 Single Jump rope or 15 doubles
  • 5 each side bridge turn overs
  • 5 dive bombers straddle walk out 
Shoulder : arm bar, pec stretch and wrists and arm circles

shoulder and core strength:
  • A1: 20 sec arch hold roll to hollow holds x 3 sets 
  • A2: Hanging shoulder shrugs 6-8 reps x 3 sets
  • A3: Bottoms Up KB  walk down and back x3
  • A4: pull ups- 2-3 reps strict either assisted or unassisted x 3 reps (scaled is negatives)
Low Bar work:
  • Unweighted- working the push away in the kip and the basic butterfly mechanics   5 reps x 3 sets of each style
Skill Work for Kipping on the bars:
  • two positions of the Kip HOLD each 10-15 sec
  • the tap swing - tight body!!
  • Hand release for that moment of weightlessness- the moment of the pull.
Trying out Banded Kipping Pull Ups:
  • Pull Up strict then push AWAY to help with connection 
  • Putting it all together
If there is a time or need we will go over toes to bar OR the mechanics of Butterflying unweighted.

Saturday, August 4, 2018

Handstand Skill work and shoulder strength building

Handstand Skill work,Strength and Stability

If you have wrists that get sore feel free to bring wrist wraps of some sort.

Warm up
3 minutes of light cardio- bike -row or Jump Rope

Circle stretch and mobility of wrists and shoulders
  • Partnered shoulder mobility
  • Wrist circles and stretching
Body Positioning:
  • Holds on 2 panel mats 30 seconds both supine and prone
  • Tight body lifts - no butts can touch!
Balance and strength building
A1:Scapular Shrugs -Elevate- Relax repeats 6-8 reps x 3 sets 
  • against the wall- rxd
  • on a box in a pike-scaled 1
  • Front lean rest position-scaled 2
A2: Shoulder taps 4 each side x 3 sets this is level up from last time we did these
A3: Handstand HOLDS 20-30 sec x 3 sets

  • T lunges
  • Kick ups NO GOING past vertical we can partner this. LAND SOFTLY
  • Belly facing Handstand the best position for transferring to other exercises! WALL CLIMBS
Press to Handstand: IF we want to try a new skill this one is fun!

HSPU- strict
**If you cannot do one full strict HSPU I would prefer you not kip, we can go over the mechanics if the class is ready.**
  • On a box 
  • On a ball
  • Free standing
  • Ab mats against the wall or full ROM

Saturday, July 7, 2018

Muscle up Conditioning Strength and Transitions

Row, Run or ride for 3 minutes then:
2 rounds of:

  • 8 Crossover symmetry external rotations and 8 straight arm ski pulls
  • 5 dislocates with PVC
  • 5 dive bombers - chest and hip opening

Shoulder Mobility:
Arm Bar stretch 45 sec each side

Lat and Trap smash with tennis balls 1 min each side

Wrist stretches

Skill Work: 2 rounds of
  • 2 -3 pull ups on rings x 2 sets
  • ring hold 20 sec holds thumbs out x 2
  • bar dips  3-5 LOW or Ring dips (RX'd) x2
Taping your wrists also a new skill ;0)
  • false grip review - pulls on rings
  • laying flat work pull to chest
  • Seated
  • seated with press out
Muscle Up:
  • Low rings
    • feet in contact with floor- getting the head through finish in LOW dip!
    • Feet on a box with dynamic transitions
Ring Thing- training harness
  • 3 sets 3 reps with or without weight as needed
IF READY- Muscle up High rings- strict initially then with momentum

Saturday, June 9, 2018

Pull Ups- Strength, and Kipping maybe a little toes 2 Bar

Depending on the level of athletes we get I will cover different aspects of the kip. This could include- banded, traditional kipping and butterfly kipping.

Warm up: 3 sets of:
  • 30 Single Jump rope or 15 doubles
  • 5 each side bridge turn overs
  • 5 dive bombers straddle walk out 
Shoulder : arm bar, pec stretch and wrists and arm circles

shoulder and core strength:
  • A1: 20 sec arch hold and hollow holds x 3 sets with PVC in hands
  • A2: Hanging shoulder shrugs 6-8 reps x 3 sets
  • A3: Bottoms Up KB  walk down and back x3
  • A4: pull ups- 2-3 reps strict either assisted or unassisted x 3 reps (scaled is negatives)
Skill Work for Kipping on the bars:
  • two positions of the Kip
  • the tap swing 
  • PVC postioning for the push away
  • Hand release for that moment of weightlessness
Trying out Banded Kipping Pull Ups:
  • Pull Up strict then push AWAY to help with connection 
  • Putting it all together
If there is a time or need we will go over toes to bar OR the mechanics of Butterflying unweighted.

Saturday, May 26, 2018

Handstands, Handstand Push ups and HS walking!

This class is for anyone interested in learning the basics of Handstands or how to make their HSPU better. I mean better as in, better form, better on your body and mechanically safer! Come try something a little different on a Sunday morning!!

Warm up
3 minutes of light cardio- bike -row or Jump Rope

Circle stretch and mobility of wrists and shoulders
  • Partnered shoulder mobility
  • Wrist circles and stretching
Balance and strength building
A1:Pike Handstand on box with scapular Elevation- Relax repeats 6-8 reps x 3 sets ( adv- against the wall)
A2: Shifting in Handstand on a box or wall 2 each side x 3
A3: rolling -the safest way to fall  out of a handstand

  • T lunges
  • Kick ups NO GOING past vertical we can partner this. LAND SOFTLY
  • Belly facing Handstand the best position for transferring to other exercises!
HSPU- strict
**If you cannot do one full strict HSPU I would prefer you not kip, we can go over the mechanics if the class is ready.**
  • On a box 
  • On a ball
  • Free standing
  • Ab mats against the wall or full ROM

Saturday, April 21, 2018

Muscle up strength and progressions.

Row, Run or ride for 3 minutes then:
2 rounds of:

  • 8 Crossover symmetry external rotations and 8 straight arm ski pulls
  • 5 dislocates with PVC
  • 4 tap swings on rings or bar

Shoulder Mobility:
Arm Bar stretch 45 sec each side

Lat and Trap smash with tennis balls 1 min each side

Wrist stretches

Skill Work: 2 rounds of
  • 2 pull ups on rings
  • ring holds 3 sets of 20 sec holds thumbs out
  • bar dips 3 sets of 2 LOW dips or Ring dips (RX'd)
  • False grip pulls 5 reps x 3 sets
Taping your wrists also a new skill ;0)

  • laying flat work pull to chest
  • Seated
  • seated with press out
Muscle Up:
  • Low rings
    • feet in contact with floor- getting the head through finish in LOW dip!
    • Feet on a box with dynamic transitions
Ring Thing- training harness
  • 3 sets 3 reps with or without weight as needed
IF READY- Muscle up High rings- strict initially then with momentum

Friday, April 6, 2018

All sorts of Kipping on bars!

Depending on the level of athletes we get I will cover different aspects of the kip. This could include- banded, traditional kipping and butterfly kipping.

Warm up: 3 sets of:
  • 30 Single Jump rope or 15 doubles
  • 5 each side bridge turn overs
  • 5 dive bombers straddle walk out 
Shoulders :arm bar, pec stretch and wrists

core strength:
  • A1: 20 sec arch hold x 3 sets with PVC in hands
  • A2: Hanging shoulder shrugs 6-8 reps x 3 sets
  • A3: pull ups- 2-3 reps strict either assisted or unassisted x 3 reps
Skill Work for Kipping on the bars:
  • two positions of the Kip
  • the tap swing 
  • PVC postioning for the push away
  • Hand release for that moment of weightlessness
Trying out Banded Kipping Pull Ups:
  • Pull Up strict then push AWAY to help with connection 
  • Putting it all together
If there is a time or need we will go over toes to bar OR the mechanics of Butterflying unweighted.

Friday, March 2, 2018

Kipping Pull Ups

Sooo.... I did these a few weeks ago in our class and I want you to just know that

there WILL BE pull ups

in some workout in the 2018 opens!!

That being said I am going to be spending this Sunday helping people with there kipping technique as well as going over the very basics for those of you hoping to be able to string together a few pull ups at a time.

When Sunday 3/4 from 9-10am.

What: Getting that elusive kip ( swing thingy) to help you do more than one pull up in a row!

Warm up: 3 sets of:
  • 30 Single Jump rope or 15 doubles
  • 5 shoulder dislocates
  • 5 dive bombers straddle walk out 
 Foam roll and active stretch Shoulders and wrists

core strength:
  • A1: 20 sec arch hold x 3 sets with PVC in hands
  • A2: hollow hold  30 sec x 3 sets with PVC above head
  • A3: 1-3 banded pull ups or strict x 3 sets
Skill Work for Kipping on the bars:
  • two positions of the Kip
  • the tap swing 
  • PVC postioning for the push away
  • Hand release for that moment of weightlessness
Trying out Banded Kipping Pull Ups:
  • Pull Up strict then push AWAY to help with connection 
  • Putting it all together

Friday, February 9, 2018

All sorts of Handstands !

This class is for anyone interested in learning the basics of Handstands or how to make their HSPU better. I mean better as in, better form, better on your body and mechanically safer! Come try something a little different on a Sunday morning!!

Warm up
3 minutes of light cardio- bike -row or Jump Rope

Circle stretch and mobility of wrists and shoulders
  • Partnered shoulder mobility
  • Wrist circles and stretching
Handstand Awareness:
  • Wall facing with bracing
  • Facing the floor- core bracing flat backs- advanced raise arms "T" to overhead
  • Hollow with PVC and 5# no leg raising together hold 25 seconds x 3 sets
Balance and strength building
A1:Pike Handstand on box with scapular Elevation- Relax repeats 6-8 reps x 3 sets ( adv- against the wall)
A2: Shifting in Handstand on a box or wall 2 each side x 3
A3: rolling -the safest way to fall  out of a handstand

  • T lunges
  • Kick ups NO GOING past vertical we can partner this. LAND SOFTLY
  • Belly facing Handstand the best position for transferring to other exercises!
HSPU- strict
**If you cannot do one full strict HSPU I would prefer you not kip, we can go over the mechanics if the class is ready.**
  • On a box 
  • On a ball
  • Free standing
  • Ab mats against the wall or full ROM

Saturday, January 20, 2018

Kipping Drills and Skills for Pull Ups and Toes to Bar

Warm up: 3 sets of:
  • 30 Single Jump rope or 15 doubles
  • 5 shoulder dislocates
  • 5 dive bombers straddle walk out 
 Foam roll and active stretch Shoulders and wrists

core strength:
  • A1: 20 sec arch hold x 3 sets with PVC in hands
  • A2: Arch to hollow transitions- rolling 2 each way
  • A3: 6-8 'V' snaps x 3 sets can be done with a pvc pipe
Skill Work for Kipping on the bars:
  • two positions of the Kip
  • the tap swing 
  • PVC postioning for the push away
  • Hand release for that moment of weightlessness
Trying out Banded Kipping Pull Ups:
  • Pull Up strict then push AWAY to help with connection 
  • Putting it all together
Adding the Toes to Bar mechanics
  • 3 sets of 3 strict knees 2 elbows or toes 2 bar
  • knees to chest with quick kick
  • full ROM straight leg Toes 2 Bar

Optional Workout: "Cindy- scaled"

10 Minutes as many rounds as possible
  • 5 pull ups
  • 10 push ups
  • 15 air squats

**we can modify this as needed 

Thursday, January 4, 2018

Muscle Up Progression Class Sunday January 7th

Row, Run or ride for 3 minutes then:
2 rounds of:

  • 8 Crossover symmetry external rotations and 8 straight arm ski pulls
  • 5 dislocates with PVC
  • 4 tap swings on rings or bar

Shoulder Mobility:
Arm Bar stretch 45 sec each side

Lat and Trap smash with tennis balls 1 min each side

Wrist stretches

Skill Work: 2 rounds of
  • 2 pull ups on rings
  • ring holds 3 sets of 20 sec holds thumbs out
  • bar dips 3 sets of 2 LOW dips or Ring dips (RX'd)
  • False grip pulls 5 reps x 3 sets
Taping your wrists also a new skill ;0)
  • laying flat work pull to chest
  • Seated
  • seated with press out
Muscle Up:
  • Low rings
    • feet in contact with floor- getting the head through finish in LOW dip!
    • Feet on a box with dynamic transitions
Ring Thing- training harness
  • 3 sets 3 reps with or without weight as needed
IF READY- Muscle up High rings- strict initially then with momentum