Saturday, November 30, 2013

STRICT Handstand push ups

Sunday Dec 1, 1023

Obstacle warm up: 3 min

  • Hurdles
  • crab walk
  • Running Jump Rope
  • Ring swing 

Skill Set warm up movement patterns:

  • 5 PVC pipe Strict Press
  • 5 Candle stick stand up
  • 5 Indian push ups
  • 10 sec HS hold OR taps in plank

Focus Work: Handstand Push Up
  • Floor- L1
  • Box- L2
  • Handstand position- RX
  • Plates/paralettes- Adv

WOD: EMOM for 10 min of
  • 2 HSPU- scale to appropriate level
  • 4 Pistols- 2 each leg- scale as needed
  • 6 box jumps
Cash out:  3 minutes of as many as possible of double unders

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Kipping for Pull Ups and Kipping to Connect toes 2 Bar

I. Warm up 3 rounds:

  • 100 M run/Row
  • 10 OHS with PVC
  • 10 Dislocates
  • 3 Bridge ups
II. Kipping Positioning
  • 20 Sec Hold x 3 sets Hollow Holds on a dynamax Ball
  • 5 Hollow rocks x 3 sets 
  • 5 Superman Rocks x 3 sets

III. Partner Work
  •  :10 sec shoulder retractions x3
  • Dead Hang pull up - or attempts
  • 3 of 5 sets of swing stops
  • 3 hand releases
  • Partner spotted kips.
  • For those who are trying to connect I will cover the transition.

IV: Kipping for the T2B

Double Unders/Singles-40-30-20
Kipping pull ups/ring rows(newbies)
Box Jumps

Saturday, November 2, 2013

The Muscle Up

We did this in September and several people were very close, gymnastics is a numbers game you need to put in a LOT of reps to get your body to create muscle memories and good movement patterns. Lets do this!

I will be giving a clinic style class on Muscle ups. We will be going over lots and lots of ways to do transitions for the muscle ups and will hopefully have a few success stories by the end of the day.

Warm Up: Dynamic gymnastics style


  • Hollow hold
  • Arch Hold
  • Grip
Warming up 3 rounds:
3 Pull Ups- strict
3 Push Ups- elbows IN

  • 3 reps 3 sets of Pike turn over on the floor
  • Low Rings- 3 reps 3-4 sets( or more) of the turn over with press out- sitting ON THE FLOOR
  •  3 reps 3-4 sets turn over with legs raised at end- Can you wiggle your fingers- NO DEATH GRIP
  • Establish false grip wiggle fingers
  • Establish grip and hanging hold 5 seconds
  • Higher rings- 4 sets Jumping Muscle ups work getting the head through quickly with elbows in

Full Muscle Up attempts/successes