Warm up: 3 sets of:
- 5 shoulder dislocates
- 3 childs pose to hips to floor
- 20 sec side planks each side
core strength:
- A1: 20 sec arch hold x 3 sets with PVC in hands
- A2: Arch to hollow transitions- rolling
- A3: 6-8 'V' snaps x 3 sets
- Dip skill work( body position)
- 3 dips x 3 sets
- shoot throughs with hips high
- 5 x 3 sets of push up shoot through then 5 dips
Skill Work for Kipping on the bars:
- two positions of the Kip
- the tap swing
- PVC postioning for the push away
- Hand release for that moment of weightlessness
Trying out Banded Kipping Pull Ups:
- Pull Up strict then push AWAY to help with connection
- Putting it all together
Adding the Toes to Bar mechanics
- 3 sets of 3 strict knees 2 elbows or toes 2 bar
- knees to chest with quick kick
- full ROM straight leg Toes 2 Bar
WORKOUT: As Practice
12 pull ups
12 dips
12 DB cleans
12 dips
12 DB cleans
Row 12 cals sub 200 M run
9 Pull ups
9 Dips
9 DB cleans
9 DB cleans
Row 12 cals sub 200 M run
6 pull ups
6 Dips
Db Cleans
Db Cleans
Row 12 cals Sub 200 M run
3 Dips
DB cleans
DB cleans
Row 12 cals sub 200 M run
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