- 100 M run
- 10 OHS with PVC
- 10 Dislocates
- 3 strict T2 Bar attempts
II. Kipping Positioning
- 20 Sec Hold x 3 sets
- Superman Holds with PVC
- 5 Hollow rocks x 3 sets
- 5 Superman Rocks x 3 sets
- PVC pulses
- 10 sec shoulder retractions x3
- Dead Hang pull up - or attempts
- 3 of 5 sets of swing stops
- 3 hand releases
- Partner spotted kips.
- For those who are trying to connect I will cover the transition.
IV. Using the kipping mechanics to do the Toes to bar.
Skill Practice WOD:
5 toes to bar- strict ot kipping
10 deadlift moderate weight
5 kipping pull ups
25 double under or singles
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