Obstacle course......3 minutes:
Warm Up: 2 rounds of
- 5 PVC Shoulder dislocates
- 5 PVC overhead squats
- 20 second hollow holds with PVC overhead- advanced rock it
Shoulder Mobility work:
- Partner straddle shoulder stretch with PVC and Rolling around scapula with a firm ball
Shoulder and Core strength: 2 sets of:
- 3 strict toes to bar with 5 second lower
- 15-20 sec "L" holds rest 15 sec
- 5 dips rest 30 sec - advanced on rings (scaled is banded)
- 6-8 'V' snaps rest 45
Pull Ups- can you do a strict one? Lets try it on Bar and/or Rings
- Low bar set up for kipping and butterfly style intro
- 15 second Hanging Hollow and superman holds
- Banded Pull ups on high bar
The kip for pull ups
- 5 sets of 3 reps on the minute these can be banded, kipping, butterfly
The kip for toes to bar