Warm Up;
3 min Bike or Row
then 2 sets of
- Inchworm walk outs 5 reps
- 10 shoulder dislocated
- 6 bird dogs each side
Mobility for the wrists and shoulders
- planche stretch
- ball rolling on flexors
- active pin and move on box
- slow bear crawl 3 each way forward back side to side
- foam roll lats OR pvc elbow lock with arm extension
Strength for the HSPU- 2 sets
- 3 wall walks hold 15 sec at top
- 8-10 shoulder shrugs on box, or against wall
- 15 sec L holds on paralettes
For FUN;
Assisted HS presses against the wall 3-5 reps 3 sets
Handstand and handstand push ups
- 20 sec Handstand hold against the wall x 3 sets working on pulling the feet away
- OR free standing with support physical and mental for a few ;o)
- Tripod stand to press up 3-4 reps x 3 sets
- 5 HSPU x 3 sets rest 1 min between at various levels- pike stand, Box or wall