3 rounds of:
- 10 shoulder dislocates 5 each hand grip
- 20 second hollow hold
- 10 supermans with PVC
- 5 supinated bar rows- keep hollow
Mobility Work
3 sets of:
- 20 second Handcuff stretch
- 20 sec Matador stretch
- 10 sec bottom of dip holds with toes on the ground elbows up
Technical elements
2 sets of:
- 15-20 sec ring holds thumbs out
- 3-5 ice cream makers banded or assisted with a spot
- 5 strict toes to bar can be assisted work the negative scaled can do 10 'V' snaps
Low ring work
- Laying flat
- pull to press out
Strict Muscle up on Ring Thing
- 3 sets of 3-5 reps