Saturday, April 22, 2017

Muscle Up Progressions Session!

You can have a great pull up and super dips and still not have a muscle up. You need to know how to transition from one to another. It happens in the blink of an eye and your body needs many, many and a few more repetitions to begin to understand where it needs to go and get there quickly! We will spend a lot of our time moving slowly through these transitions not under load or very little load.

Ride Assault 3 minutes then:
2 rounds of:
  • 25 jump rope- doubles 50 singles
  • 5 tap swings on rings
  • 5 dislocates with PVC
  • 3 pull ups on rings
Shoulder Mobility:
Arm Bar stretch 45 sec each side

Lat and Trap smash with tennis balls 1 min each side

Wrist stretches

Skill Work:
  • ring holds 3 sets of 20 sec holds thumbs out
  • bar dips 3 sets of 2 LOW dips
  • False grip pulls 5 reps x 3 sets
  • Seated
  • seated with press out
Muscle Up:
  • Low rings
    • feet in contact with floor- getting the head through finish in LOW dip!
    • Feet on a box with dynamic transitions
Ring Thing- training harness
  • 3 sets 3 reps with or without weight as needeed
IF READY- Muscle up High rings- strict initially then with momentum

Saturday, April 8, 2017

Kipping mechanics for the pull up and toes 2 bar

Warm up: 3 sets of:
  • 30 Single Jump rope or 15 doubles
  • 5 shoulder dislocates
  • 5 dive bombers
 Foam roll and active stretch Shoulders and wrists

core strength:
  • A1: 20 sec arch hold x 3 sets with PVC in hands
  • A2: Arch to hollow transitions- rolling
  • A3: 6-8 'V' snaps x 3 sets
Skill Work for Kipping on the bars:
  • two positions of the Kip
  • the tap swing 
  • PVC postioning for the push away
  • Hand release for that moment of weightlessness
Trying out Banded Kipping Pull Ups:
  • Pull Up strict then push AWAY to help with connection 
  • Putting it all together
Adding the Toes to Bar mechanics
  • 3 sets of 3 strict knees 2 elbows or toes 2 bar
  • knees to chest with quick kick
  • full ROM straight leg Toes 2 Bar
Optional Workout:
Min 1: 2 strict 3 kipping pull ups (scaled- banded strict and kipping)
Min 2: 10 sit ups
Min 3: 5 power cleans pick a moderate to heavy weight.( scaled KB DL)