Muscle Up Progression
Warm Up:
Skill Work:
- 25 jump rope- doubles
- 5 broad jumps
- 5 dislocates
- 5 pull ups
Shoulder Mobility:
Arm Bar stretch 45 sec each side
Lat and Trap smash with tennis balls 1 min each side
Shoulder distraction with bands
Wrist stretches
Arm Bar stretch 45 sec each side
Lat and Trap smash with tennis balls 1 min each side
Shoulder distraction with bands
Wrist stretches
Skill Work:
- ring holds 3 sets of 20 sec holds thumbs out
- ring or bar dips 3 sets of 2 LOW dips
- False grip pulls
- Seated
- seated with press out
Muscle Up:
- Low rings
- feet in contact with floor
- Feet on a box with dynamic transitions
- High Rings
- Tap swings
- Tap swings with pulls
- IF READY- Muscle up High rings- strict initially then with momentum