25 single unders
5 Hip openers
5 inchworms ( press ankles down)
5 hollow hold to superman rolls
30 seconds of each: x 2 sets
- Straddle hold
- Pike hold
- butterfly hold
- R/L calf circles
Skill Strength: 3 sets of:
- 8-10 hollow rocks
- 3 candlestick tuck jump or stand up 1 or two feet
- 10 calf raises on each leg
- 5 PVC dislocates
Focus Work:
- Pistols:
- To a box
- with a band
- On a box
- Full depth
- Dips:
- 15 sec holds at extension x 3 sets
- 3 count lowering with a band hold at bottom drive up (32x1)- use lightest band possible-3 reps
- full ROM- eyes at the horizon tricep horizontal to floor
EMOTM for 6 min:
- 3-4 ring dips- modify as needed
3 rounds for practice NOT time
- 5 Pull ups-strict or 10 Ring rows(Lifestyle)
- 10 pistols- 5 ea leg. modify as needed
- 10 "V" snaps
- 25 Double unders/50 singles