Saturday, September 21, 2013

Strict Muscle Up clinic

Sunday 9/22

I will be giving a clinic style class on Muscle ups. We will be going over lots and lots of ways to do transitions for the muscle ups and will hopefully have a few success stories by the end of the day.

Warm Up: Dynamic gymnastics style


  • Hollow hold
  • Arch Hold
  • Grip
Warming up 3 rounds:
3 Pull Ups- strict
3 Push Ups- elbows IN

  • 4 sets of Pike turn over on the floor
  • Low Rings- 4 sets( or more) of the turn over with press out- sitting ON THE FLOOR
  • 4 sets turn over with legs raised at end- Can you wiggle your fingers- NO DEATH GRIP
  • Establish false grip wiggle fingers
  • Establish grip and hanging hold 5 seconds
  • Higher rings- 4 sets Jumping Muscle ups work getting the head through quickly with elbows in

Full Muscle Up attempts/successes

** Thanks goes to Laura Galassi also a gymnastics coach for lots of great new ideas!

Friday, September 6, 2013

Front Levers on Sunday!

Sunday 9-8-13

 Obstacle Warm up: We will be swinging hoping and rolling for this one!

Core Strength and Mobility: 3-5 Min

  • Bird Dog with Band- 3 ea side
  • Side plank with rotation 5 ea side
  • tuck to hollow hold 33x3, 5 reps
  • 5 shoulder dislocates

Skill Work: Front Levers

 Cluster of 1.1.1 x 3 sets resting 90 seconds between sets

WOD: AMRAP in 12 min of :

  • 2 front levers( banded)/scaled will be skin the cats
  • 10 "v" snaps/ scaled-In and outs
  • 200 M Sprint
  • 2 wall climbs
Cash Out: Flexibility:
  • Straddle holds; 30 seconds
  • Butterfly hold: 30 seconds
  • Pike holds 30 seconds