I am sure you have heard it said before but make your goals SMART. OK, so I really can't remember what each letter means exactly but this is the gist of it. They need to be,
- Short term- as in maybe you can get it in a few weeks,
- Measurable- today I can do one, hmm.. what can I accomplish if I put my heart and soul into it in three weeks.
- Attainable - hellooo you crazy's who put back tucks, walking 100 ft. or muscle ups- you MUST come in and WORK to make these come true, were they a lark or do you REALLY want them
- Repeatable- My double unders are a perfect example did 15 in a row last week- today did three!!! I work on them almost every time I come in, I WILL get them!
- T- Hmm you will feel Totally great when you reach these goals ;0)
I look on our goal board and I care if you succeed,I want you to have that fist pumping in the air feeling. When you reach a goal I feel it too, it's awesome!
I was watching a video with Coach B teaching and he said once a person hits a PR even if it is 1 pound he has them STOP, yep Stop, this makes sense. Lets celebrate those small goals, it takes a hell of a lot of work to get there ENJOY it. If you lift a little more or try one more HSPU it might fail and what will you remember, that last defeat, celebrate the successes. You already PR'd that day and did more than the last time, next time you are in we will have you up the anti.
A little side note:
I got an email last night about someone who only weeks ago could not hold themselves up on the rings and keep them still for more than a second. Now not only could they hold themselves up but they have the strength to do dips UNASSISTED!
I am fist pumping!!
I will post tomorrows workout tonight sometime.